Yes, I know.. He may be as old as my great great grandfather, played a gray-turned-to-white wizard, and portrayed one of the most annoying guy ever in X-Men. But it turned out that Sir Ian McKellen is all that and more. Gara-gara saya dengan semangat cerita ke si pacar tentang betapa bad-ass-nya tampang si opa ketika mengikuti parade LGBT dengan kaos keren ini..
he blurted out something I never thought I'd hear.
"Dia kan mudanya ganteng tau."
Yea rite. Saya masih nanggepin dengan setengah nggak percaya, until I googled "young ian mckellen". BAM! This picture came up.
The only thing I can came up with is, "DAMN. What the hell?" And yeah, what the hell is with this photo anyway? What with the fancy leather bag, the cigarette, the urban-ish hat, and the perfect perfect lighting, he could be on the cover of some high-end fashion magazine. No, with all that, he should be on the cover of Esquire! Masih belum puas, masih ketawa, dan masih penasaran, saya scroll lagi ke bawah. And found this picture:

The same young guy, with the to-die-for cheekbones and bitter expression, looking like he doesn't give a damn about the world. Yay, Sir Ian! *smooches*
At this point, I couldn't stop thinking, how I should 've seen traces of this cool heartthrob in him sooner. Stupid, stupid me..*sigh* Thanks, Sonny, for the links.
And yet.. For the rest of you - ladies, and of course, gentlemen - enjoy the pictures :)