

Me and Rob

I know, this post might get me on a lot of 13 year old girls' death list, but what the hell, my hatred towards this smug face bitch trumps my fear of being trampled to death by a troop of 13 yo girls.
So here goes nothing.
Traced back from the beginning, my hatred towards what's-his-face here, started way back before twilight movies even been made. My first introduction to sparkle boy was in Harry Potter 4. He was Cedric Diggory. I, being a devoted reader of Harry Potter, has been wondering about how would Diggory looks like since the first time he is mentioned in the book.
In the book he was described as a very good looking boy. His face, seemed like it was sculptured by the Greeks Gods. In my mind, I thought he would have this perfectly shaped face. Someone like Jonathan Rhys-Meyer, or Cillian Murphy, or dare I hope, a young Marlon Brando (I do think young Marlon Brando was so god damn hot, you can just replace your heater with his pictures all over the house).
But what did I get? What the hell did I get?

I got a pale skinny weird looking boy. I got that. That picture above. That's what I got. Boy oh boy, I was dissapointed. That's so not what I had in mind. I was so dissapointed that when he died in the movie, I was just "Meh, good riddance. More power to you Voldemort." (Well, not really, but maybe if I see the movie again, I'd feel exactly like that.)
As time went by, I forgot about that boy. I have a life you know (eventhough I might have proven you  otherwise by having time to write this rant). Then life brought Twilight. I know, shit happens. 
Boom, the movie went gigantic. The casts can be seen everywhere. I mean everywhere. Magazines, tv, billboards were and are still shoving his face to me almost everyday. I can see that smug face everywhere. Take another look at the first picture. How smug is that face??? 
Don't you feel like that face is telling you "Hi, I'm pretty. I ride unicorns and crapping rainbows." I even considering buying a pillow with his face on it so I can punch 32 kind of shit out of it.
But then again, I haven't seen any of his movies other that Harry Potter, so I can't tell if he's a good actor or not. My hatred is based on the level of smugness of his face. If in the twilight series he end up being eaten by a bunch of werewolves, please inform me, so I can watch that scene. Or if the girl with the crazy smile went bat crap crazy and shaved his head then kick him in the face, and the nuts. Or if the ice queen shoved an icicle up his ass. Oh, wait, wrong movie, ice queen is in Narnia. But I would pay good money to see Tilda Swinton does weird stuff to that smug ass bitch.

Let me end this by saying "F you rob pat! F you!!"

*I am trying to reduce the use of the word "fuck" as I find my self often use it in public where there are kids around. I might be full of hate, but hey, I don't want to swear around kids.

3 Responses to Me and Rob

  1. i love this one! love it!

    "Don't you feel like that face is telling you "Hi, I'm pretty. I ride unicorns and crapping rainbows." I even considering buying a pillow with his face on it so I can punch 32 kind of shit out of it. " =))

    i don't like his girlfriend too..
    she should learn more 'bout acting.. :p

  2. amimoys says:

    team edward's gonna set their hounds on you, dinda :))

    tapi gw suka pattinson pas jadi cedric.. masih ada aura2 unknown-nya begituh. hihi

  3. @tya: :D thank you love! and yes, kirsten stewart needs to learn to act. and how to smile properly so she doesn't look like a psychotic cat killer.

    @amy: :)) I knoooow. I am now in constant state of "Unagi" (kbanyakan ntn Friends :p) due to my fear of being trampled by a bunch of 13 yo girls.

    aku malah ngerasa Harry Potter 4 banyak mis cast nya deh. Cedric nya koq yah si robert, trus Viktor Krum nya juga gak kayak yg aku bayangin. but hey, Rupert Grint is 7 kinds of pretty.

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